What is process art?

Process art focuses on the process of making art and exploring materials, rather than on the finished product. It is child-directed and every child’s creation is different and unique.

When engaging in process art, your child is:

  • Using problem solving skills

  • Thinking creatively and using their imagination

  • Strengthening their fine motor skills while manipulating scissors, glue, markers, paintbrushes, etc.

  • Gaining confidence in their ideas

To learn more, read our post for Becker’s School Supplies about how to get started using Process Art.

Check out additional resources, catch up on our blog posts and activity ideas.

How can you incorporate process art and start creating with your kids?

Kits & Play Dough

Looking for ways to keep your toddler or preschool aged child engaged?

We have special order kits available. Send us an email if you’d like to order one.

It’s all about the process, not the product! Your kids will have so much fun exploring with these engaging materials.

Birthday Parties & Events

Do you want to host a playgroup or birthday party?

For families local to the Boston area, we offer private playgroups and birthday parties at the Backyartists Art Studio in Arlington, MA.

Does your business host bring your child to work day or other family friendly events? We also do corporate events!

Art Classes in their Studio

Rachel and Nicole are currently teaching classes for children ages 18 months - 7 years at their studio in Arlington Center.

Professional Development
& On-site Classes

Are you an educator or work in a school that would like to infuse more process art experiences into the classroom?

The Backyartists team is available to lead Professional Development Workshops for staff or Teach Classes at your school.